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Hi, i'm body

bodyHi, I'm body, a 15 years old self taught French developer. I'm interested in full stack web development as well as gamehacking & cybersecurity
Playing: WAKE ME UP - GTVE 4


Skill Icon: TypescriptTypescript
Skill Icon: JavascriptJavascript
Skill Icon: HTMLHTML
Skill Icon: CSSCSS
Skill Icon: JavaJava
Skill Icon: PythonPython
Skill Icon: C++C++
Skill Icon: C#C#
Skill Icon: GoGo
Skill Icon: WebAssemblyWebAssembly


Skill Icon: NextJSNextJS
Skill Icon: ExpressExpress
Skill Icon: TailwindTailwind


Skill Icon: GithubGithub
Skill Icon: CloudflareCloudflare
Skill Icon: IntelliJ IdeaIntelliJ Idea
Skill Icon: FigmaFigma
Skill Icon: NginxNginx
Skill Icon: LinuxLinux
Skill Icon: MongoDBMongoDB
Skill Icon: MySQLMySQL
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TurnaroundTurnaround was a free and opensource solver for Cloudfare's turnstile
RemakeRemake is a free and opensource library to modify Java classes at runtime, without the need of any java agent